
AMA Suzuki Superbike - Day 1

I won VIP passes to the AMA Suzuki Superbike Challenge motorcycle races located in Fontana, California. The races took place at the California Speedway and won the passes through an online contast at www.sportbikes.com. I found about it the Monday of this week and started to plan on how I could get out there so last minute. I ended up flying in Thursday night to go to the friday practice day and the two weekend races.

Because of this opportunity, I invested money in a nice 70-200 telephoto lens for the Canon EOS Rebel XTi that I use. I also purchased two more 2GB CF cards, the 430EX speedlite, and a few other stuff for the trip at the last minute. When I finally get there and meet the owners of sportsbikes.com, I find out that the VIP passes were still restrictive, but I talked my way into getting a full access media pass. This means I can go directly on the track and take pictures!

I took over 2600 pictures Friday afternoon and it was a blast. Here's a few to enjoy.